Wednesday, June 22, 2011

GAPS Intro #6: Day 2 - AM

Symptoms this morning: Fatigue, very tired/worn out, right eye lid very swollen, left eye lid slightly swollen, upper backache, lower backache, fluid retention (whole body feels puffy), breast tenderness (started yesterday), puffy face, heart rate went up to the 130s, distended abdomen, headache, not cognitive.

Goals today: Eat two GAPS stage 1 meals, rest when necessary, study some Spanish, take a detox bath or sit in the FIR sauna.

I feel very puffy, big, and flabby right now. It's probably fluid retention from hormonal imbalance but I am afraid it's true weight gain. Eating enough today will be a challenge. I don't know if the progesterone cream I started using again is causing more problems or if this is just my body adjusting. I so wish I had not gotten the hysterectomy back in 2003. It just made things more difficult to figure out.

Yesterday I was not going to have any probiotic food at all but ended up eating some coconut milk kefir that I had made with milk kefir grains and some Custom Probiotics 11-strain powder. I am trying to decided if I should skip everything today to see if I feel a bit better tomorrow. There's definitely a huge difference in how I felt yesterday morning and how I feel today. I also need to start adding garlic but am concerned it will cause too much die off. Maybe it would be best to just have healing foods today but nothing anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, etc. and give my body a break. I just don't understand why there is no end to the die off. This is not normal....and I am starting a new job soon. How I am going to handle writing code with all this brain fog is a mystery to me.

Update 10:30 AM: The headache has actually gotten worse. I ate some breakfast rather than waiting for lunch because I did not feel didn't help. If I turn my head to fast I feel nauseated. I am more swollen as well. I had pork belly for breakfast but not boiled. I fried it in a cast iron skillet. Dinner will be boiled salmon.

Update 6:45 PM: I took a detox bath during which my hands and knuckles started to hurt and felt very stiff. After the bath the back of my hands started hurting and they still do. I also took some bentonite clay and sometime later the headache improved, but it's not gone. I have been insanely hungry all day and have felt very swollen all day. The breast tenderness has gotten worse. I did pretty good re food all day then around 5 PM or so I went overboard and ate way too much. Cravings for sweets got the better of me and I had some of DH's diet Coke. Of course I regretted it as soon as I drank some but man was it good. I am still craving sweets and diet soda - two of my typical PMS symptoms.

Since I blew it again with diet Coke and we are having friends over for a BBQ this weekend, I am thinking about just postponing intro until July 1st. I am only on stage 1/2 anyhow so what's the big difference. I am trying not to be discouraged and scared but I really am. I need to get these cravings under control because drinking diet Coke sure isn't going to help me heal! I feel like a failure right now.

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